Bishop and Pastors

Bishop Howard Peters
Howard and Tena were married in 1978 and are blessed with two sons and two daughters, who are also now married with families of their own. They raised their children on the family farm and have enjoyed farming for 40 years with the blessing of presently being able to work alongside their sons and their families. Howard was elected to pastoral ministry in 1990 and later called to lead as Bishop in 2010 which is now the role that he currently serves in with his wife. Their hope and prayer for the church is that it would continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ to seek God's favor in all they do.

Pastor Reuben Klassen
Reuben and Joyce were married in 1990 and later became parents to three sons. Outside of ministry, Reuben works in construction installing eaves troughs which he has done for more than 30 years. Prior to pastoral ministry, Reuben and Joyce also served in the church Sunday School and Youth programs. Reuben was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 1997 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Their goal is to teach the church how to be victorious and free in Christ and to understand the difference between the flesh and the spirit.

Pastor Martin Wiebe
Martin and Marlene were married in 1979 and are blessed with four children, two daughters and two sons, and eight grandchildren. Prior to and during pastoral ministry, Martin worked in the meat cutting industry and later on in construction and dairy farming. Martin was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 1997 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Fully believing that this is the Lords calling on our lives, it is our aim to serve the Lord with all humility of mind, teach and preaching the whole counsel of God as the Lord Jesus Commanded in Matt 28.

Pastor Henry Janzen
Henry and Marlene were married in 1978 and have three children and nine grandchildren. Henry has worked in the construction industry since he was a boy and has owned his own company for 31 years with his wife Marlene overseeing the administration of the business. Henry was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 1997 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Serving God in ministry has been a great blessing and their desire is to see that love would abound and that the church would be sincere and filled with the fruits of righteousness from Christ Jesus giving all the Glory to God. (Phil. 1:9-11)

Pastor Brian Neufeld
Brian and Marlene were married in 1994 and have two sons whom they share the great blessing of walking the journey of life with. Prior to and during their time in pastoral ministry, they have enjoyed serving in various ministries within the church and also running their own contracting business. Brian was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 2005 and currently serves in this role with his wife. In light of where God has called them to serve, their hope and prayer is for the church to remain steadfast to the truth and authority of God's Word whether it be in VBS, youth, women's ministry, or the preaching of God's Word.

Pastor Howard Ens
Howard and Lena were married in 1990 and are blessed with two children and three grandchildren. Prior to pastoral ministry, they served as youth leaders in the church and also were very involved in prison ministry. Howard was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 2005 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Their hope is that their ministry would be relevant to the people that they have been called to serve and to preach the unchanging gospel to an ever-changing world so that everyone who is in Christ may be complete in Christ. (Col.1:28)

Pastor Larry Neufeld
Larry and Elsie were married in 2000 and are blessed with four children. Larry has worked in the construction industry for many years and currently owns a business constructing residential buildings. Larry was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 2010 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Serving in ministry and preaching God's Word has always been a great joy and their desire is to lead people into a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Pastor Andy Wiebe
Andy and Shelley were married in 1998 and are blessed with seven children, two girls and five boys, whom Shelley has the privilege of homeschooling. In addition to ministry, Andy owns his own contracting business and works in the construction industry. Andy was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 2010 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Teaching and preaching God's Word through Bible studies and messages has been a privilege and continues to bring great joy as they see the church continue to grow in a greater knowledge and understanding of what it means to live life through the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ our Lord.

Pastor Lloyd Janzen
Lloyd and Jane were married in 2004 and have been blessed with three children, two daughters and one son, with whom they have the great blessing and joy of sharing life with and learning about the richness of a gracious God. Lloyd works in the construction industry and has been involved in a variety of ministries throughout his life. Lloyd was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 2013 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Their desire is to proclaim the truth of God's Word to believers and unbelievers all to the glory of God.

Pastor Merlis Wiebe
Merlis and Stacey were married in 2004 and have been blessed with three daughters and two sons. Merlis and Stacey are both actively involved in the family farm and livestock feed manufacturing business and prior to God’s call to pastoral ministry, were also involved in ministry in other capacities both inside and outside the local church. Merlis was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 2013 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Their hope is to faithfully shepherd and walk alongside a church that is hungry for the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Trent Peters
Trent and Evonne were married in 2007 and are blessed with four boys. They all work on the family farm and have enjoyed working together with Trent’s dad and brother. Prior to pastoral ministry, they have served in various ministries within the church. Trent was elected and ordained into pastoral ministry in 2023 and currently serves in this role with his wife. Their hope and prayer for the church is that they would not stray from the Truth and that the Word of God would remain the center and the authority of their lives. Fully believing this is where God has called them to serve, their aim is to remain faithful, to diligently do the Lord’s work, and that God would receive all honor and glory!

Pastor Stephen Wiebe
Stephen and Angelina were married in 2005 and are blessed with five children, three girls and two boys. Stephen’s occupation is plumbing and is a journeyman plumber since 2016. Stephen and Angelina have been involved in various areas of church ministry over the years and have enjoyed each role. Stephen was ordained into Pastoral Ministry in 2023. Their prayer for the church is that God will accomplish His purpose and will through it by the faithful preaching and proclaiming of His word in it’s completeness. Their passion is to see marriages remain true and pure through obedience and submission to God’s word, just as Christ purifies His bride, the church.