Ministries We Support

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of Canadian churches and church-based agencies working together to end global hunger. It was established in 1983 and today, more than 1,000,000 tons of food have been provided for people who are hungry in more than 80 countries around the world. Fifteen church agencies representing over 17,000 congregations make up the membership of Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

Child Evangelism Fellowship

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Saskatchewan began on August 1, 1957, and for over 50 years has been dedicated to reaching, winning, and discipling the children of Saskatchewan with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Over this time, hundreds of thousands of children have been reached through such ministries as Good News Clubs, 5-Day Clubs, The Mailbox Club, and in more recent years the UB David & I’LL B Jonathan Program and Club DJ. We often hear from members of the second and even third generations of families regarding the impact this ministry has had in their lives.

In the early years, hundreds of Good News Clubs were held each year, often taught by mothers who were burdened for the children in their neighbourhood and had a desire to share the gospel those children. The 5-Day Clubs were held throughout the summer and continue to be an effective way to reach boys and girls all across our province, as we partner with local churches and Christian families who seek to reach the children in their communities with the gospel. In 2010 we partnered with 49 churches and were in 159 communities (the most ever), including 19 First Nation’s Reserves. There were a total of 304 5-Day Clubs across the province last year with 4,782 children attending and 281 children reporting making a decision for Christ.

Christian Blind Mission

CBM (Christian Blind Mission) is an international Christian development organization committed to improving quality of life for persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. They work in Asia, Africa, Americas and Eastern Mediterranean. Approximately 2.5 billion people live in the 50 poorest countries of the world. At present CBM engages in most of these 50 countries.

They change lives—people with disabilities are capable of living full and productive lives. To this end, they come alongside these men, women and children to help them be as able as they can be. Sometimes life-change means correcting or curing a person’s impairment through surgery, medical care and/or rehabilitation. Sometimes life-change means providing a person who has a permanent disability with rehabilitation, training, equipment, financing, education…all that he/she needs to live a full and productive life within their family and their community.

They build healthier and more inclusive communities—a person’s impairment is really not the biggest barrier they face; the attitudes and prejudices around them are much more limiting than not being able to see or hear or walk. There is a need to change behaviors and attitudes in the community around them and this is done through community support groups, coming alongside persons with disabilities and their families and advocating with them for access to available medical, education and employment services. CBM’s specific mandate and mission is to demonstrate God’s love through medical and rehabilitative care. Wherever possible, we partner with local Christian churches or mission groups whose primary mandate is to spread the Gospel in word.


Ethnos’ missionary training program, prepares you for career ministry with Ethnos. Think about it: If you were given the opportunity today to plant a church in an unreached people group, would you know where to start? Missionary training teaches you about the complex concepts involved in cross-cultural church planting, such as understanding culture and learning language, so you can effectively communicate cross-culturally. We’re also vitally concerned about your walk with God, so that in an isolated, high-pressure environment, your relationship with God can survive and even thrive.

Faith Mission

The Faith Mission exists to reach people with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As an interdenominational agency, it works closely with all Christian churches that share a similar concern for passionate evangelism and evangelical truth, especially in areas where there is little or no biblical witness. Our Vision is to reach through passionate evangelism the lost of all age groups, particularly in the villages and rural areas of Great Britain and Ireland, and by biblical teaching to encourage holiness of heart and life in Christian people. The ministry of the Faith Mission is divided up into fifteen geographical districts. Each district is overseen by a Field Leader who has responsibility for oversight of the teams involved in evangelism and ministry within the district. Outreach missions and other events are conducted throughout the year. Wherever possible, these are in co-operation with the local church. The teams visit thousands of homes where they share the gospel and while there is a strong emphasis on preaching, they seek “by all means” to reach the lost for Christ. “I am here for one thing and one thing only – that is to see souls saved,” said John George Govan, the founder. There are a variety of youth events throughout the year and during the summer hundreds attend the camps where there is a balanced program of activities and Bible teaching. Open-air witness and tent missions continue to be a feature of the Mission’s ministry in the summer.

Foam Lake Church

In the fall of 2023, a group of Mennonites from the Foam Lake area approached the Bergthaler Mennonite church and asked for our involvement in forming a church community in their area.
In April 2024, we committed to sending a pastor, music leaders, and Sunday school teachers on a weekly basis. Many volunteers from our five congregations make it possible for us to bring God‘s Word to the Foam Lake area.
The group is currently renting a community center in the village of Elfros, Saskatchewan. We are thankful for those who are attending, including many young families.

Gospel Echoes Team (GET) Prison Ministry, Canada West Region

Established in Goshen, IN in 1976, the ministry now has 4 offices, 2 in the US and 2 in Canada. The Canada West region is directed by the Board and supported by donations and love offerings. The Fundraising Committee raises funds for the ministry through special events. Volunteers grade the Bible Study Course lessons and help at the office when needed. The Music Team conducts programs in prisons and churches.

What is the GET purpose?

To share Christ in the prisons. “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:36 “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

How do we seek to fulfill our purpose?

Our music team travel by bus, approximately 100 days annually, to share Christ through music and the spoken Word, in the prisons in all of Western Canada, including the NWT and the Yukon. They also conduct programs in churches to raise awareness and support of this ministry. The free Bible Study Correspondence Courses are offered to the inmates with an incentive of receiving certificates and a free Bible with their name engraved on the cover, for doing the first 4 lessons. We offer a total of 8 courses. We also offer Scripture Address Books, as well as easy to understand New Testaments, with study helps in the back. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions about the work of this ministry.

How can you help?

    • Please pray for this ministry! Pray that many souls will be saved, and lives changed. Pray for the Volunteer Graders as they work closely with the Bible Study students in guiding and encouraging them to make that decision for Christ. Pray for the Board, Committee, and office, that they will make the right decisions, and for blessings on those who give of their time and funds to support this ministry.
  • Volunteer to be a Grader of lessons. If you are a Christian and would love to be a missionary without leaving your home, and if you enjoy studying the Bible and encouraging others, this is a great opportunity!
  • Donate to the ministry. Due to the new “Tough on Crime law,” the population is growing in the prisons and so is the demand for our literature. Postage and fuel is always going up as well and vehicles will break down as you can read about in the Spring Tour Update. The cost to replace the bus transmission is over $16,000.
  • Volunteer to help raise funds. Take part in the Fundraising Committee and help to plan and work with events to raise funds.


Hutterian Emergency Aquatic Response Team specializes in underwater search and recovery of drownings


Hope and Healing International

We go to the world’s poorest places, to work with children living in the most difficult circumstances – so the most vulnerable children are not left behind. We find children like Christine, a little girl with cleft lip who was teased and mocked because of her disability. With your help, we set up remote surgical units, battling brown-outs and tropical diseases, to give the miracle of hope and healing. Our mandate is to ensure children with disabilities are included in development programs and emergency relief efforts.

Jesus spent His life caring for children, women, men on the fringes of society – those who were blind, poor, forgotten. That’s our inspiration.

KM 81

KM 81 was first started by a group of Mennonites in Paraguay as a leprosy clinic. Even though they themselves didn’t know much about the disease, they began doing what they could to alleviate the suffering of these outcasts from society. Today, they run a very efficient and modern hospital, but still specialize in leprosy. An interesting side work is the making of shoes for those with deformed feet—for this work, they have achieved country-wide recognition. They are staffed by a mix of volunteer and paid staff, but the outreach is more than just medical. They conduct “charlas”, mini expos in various towns and neighborhoods, educating people on disease, specifically leprosy and TB. They also operate a farm, which not only helps supply the needs of the hospital, but they also sell milk, cheese and other products at their own store for a cheaper cost than most supermarkets.

North View Mennonite Haven

Power to Change (P2C)

Power to Change is a family of ministries with one common purpose: to make Jesus known across Canada and throughout the world. Our work began on university campuses in 1967 as Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada. Today, we serve among students, marketplace leaders, athletes, families and many others, helping them experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

Radio Bible Class (Our Daily Bread)

Radio Bible Class (RBC) founder M. R. De Haan was a physician who later in life became a pastor. In 1938, from a small radio station in eastern Michigan, Detroit Bible Class was born. In response to his teaching, listeners asked for transcripts of the broadcast for use as study materials. These resources, soon in great demand, were the precursor of today’s widely distributed Discovery Series booklets. RBC Ministries today offers teaching resources to millions worldwide.

While Dr. De Haan began this ministry in his basement as a family operation, today the Lord has brought together a staff of over 300 Christian workers in their US headquarters. The ministry has international offices in 20 countries plus partners throughout the world who distribute RBC resources. Their signature publication, the daily devotional called Our Daily Bread, is translated into nearly 30 languages.

Mart De Haan, grandson of M. R. De Haan, currently leads the ministry. Through growth and many changes, RBC continues its commitment to Dr. De Haan’s founding principles.

Rock Solid Refuge

We work with parents, guardians, grandparents, lawyers, and youth workers to help teen boys overcome pornography, drug and alcohol abuse, and anger relate issues. Using a Christian world-view, we can effectively help teens find the freedom only God can bring, giving them back their lives.

Our program challenges teens to take responsibility for their recovery. As they mature in all areas of their lives, they are enabled to confront life’s challenges with confidence. Together we can help them beat their life-controlling issues.

Samaritan’s Purse Canada

Samaritan’s Purse Canada, established in 1973, is working in about 45 countries around the world while Samaritan’s Purse International (including offices in the U.S., England, and Australia) is working in more than 100 countries.

Their emergency relief programs provide desperately needed assistance to victims of natural disaster, war, disease, and famine. As we offer food, water, and temporary shelter, we meet critical needs and give people a chance to rebuild their lives.

Through community development and vocational programs, they help people break the cycle of poverty and exploitation – giving them hope for a better tomorrow. Through education, shelter, and long-term care projects, plus their Operation Christmas Child shoebox program, they provide help and joy to vulnerable children.

All of this much-needed effort enables them to be modern-day Good Samaritans – and often earns opportunities to share about Jesus Christ.

Teen Challenge

Substance abuse is on the rise worldwide, and Canada is not immune. Did you know:

  • 47,000 Canadian deaths are linked to substance abuse annually
  • Canada’s illegal drug trade hit a 30-year high in 2007.
  • Street youth are 11 times more likely to die of drug overdose and suicide
  • Substance abuse has cost our health care system $8 billion
  • 60% of illicit drug users in Canada are between the ages of 15 and 24

Teen Challenge is a 12-month, faith-based, residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation program that is part of a network of over 15 Teen Challenge Centres across Canada, and more than 1,000 worldwide. The program has a strong faith-based approach and offers spiritual, academic and vocational training that helps equip individuals to return to society as responsible citizens.

A large number of graduates have experienced complete recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. They have testified that the key to their success was developing a personal relationship with God and putting into practice all that they had learned while in the program.

The Bridge

The Bridge on 20th, Saskatoon, is a street mission with a call for “God’s Body” to come together and share His unconditional love with the poor, the broken, and the lost. They are a non-profit, non-denominational, faith ministry; a Christian organization that responds compassionately to the needs of the inner city’s less fortunate through mobilizing and working with the church and the community. They are a place of service evangelism, letting acts of love be their witness.

The Bridge provides food, clothing (through the give-away corner), Bible studies and Sunday services to visitors, in combination with additional discipleship, mentoring and relationship-building.
Other activities include prayer ministry, Youth and Kid’s Club, worship and prayer nights and monthly haircuts.

Currently, their vision is to implement a new support called “Transitional Program Housing” that will provide sustained transformation for people who hurt spiritually, emotionally and physically.

The Gospel Message

The Gospel Message Radio Broadcast is aired once a week over 24 stations, across the Canadian provinces, on US stations (Kansas, Texas, and Washington), Mexico, Belize, Bolivia, East and Central Paraguay. Reaching forth with the Gospel in low German to Mennonites for 54 years. Reaching out to many age groups from shut-ins to seniors whose heart language is Plautdietsch. Reaching people who have a hunger for the word, who have been denied a deeper understanding of God’s word. In some areas, the program is the only Christian fellowship that they can partake of. The letter response indicates the program is appreciated. An english program is aired in North Battleford (1050 AM) on Sunday at 8:30am weekly; the listeners wish to have the program continued as they send in their support. The radio ministry is directed by board members from the EMMC, the Bergthaler Sask, and the Sommerfeld.

Valley Christian Academy 

At Valley Christian Academy we strive to teach and train students to become disciples of Jesus Christ so “..that in all things He (Christ) might have pre-eminence”

Victory Community Care Services

Victory Community Care Services is dedicated to care and serve the community of Kabale, Uganda. The organizations started as a Community Based Organization (CBO) in 2004 and later it was restructured to an NGO status according to the recommendation of the local leaders. This was in keeping with the organization’s ongoing ability to achieve and deliver demand for critical services to the community.

Pastor Edward Kanyesigye had a vision to work with the street boys of Kabale, Uganda. With that vision, a drop in centre for street children opened. They came to hear God’s Word and for physical food. Tyler and Michelle Reddekopp worked along side Pastor Edward with this ministry. With that vision, 2 homes have been built due to generous donations. Humura Homes, meaning “to be lifted up from trouble”, opened November 5, 2011. Fourteen street boys moved in on opening day after many of them being on the streets from age 5. These boys came to us with addictions to marijuana, sniffing glue, stealing and fighting as ways to survive. Most of the boys have lost one or both parents and ended up on the streets due to poverty, abuse, or their parents remarrying and the step-parent kicking them out of the home.

The goal of Humura Homes is that each boy would come to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and to be an example of His life in whatever they do. After a rough couple of adjustment months, the boys are now settled and attending school. Each day they hear God’s word spoken and see it lived out in the lives of their house parents and teachers. Many of the boys have been baptized and have a hunger for God’s Word.

Humura Homes has enough room for 32 boys. As God provides, we will be bringing more children off the streets and into God’s loving arms by opening the second home, which will hold 16 boys who will need sponsorship funding. At present, our Bergthaler Church supports Victory Care Community Services monthly.

Village Missions

Village Missions was founded in 1948 and helps struggling rural churches in Canada. Full-time missionary-pastors are placed in rural communities to help build effective Bible churches that reach their communities for Christ. They become an integral part of community life, winning the friendship and confidence of the people. The aim is to provide a Christ-centered community church program capable of involving the entire population of a local community. This is accomplished through worship services, personal contacts in homes, Sunday schools, home and group Bible studies, special youth and adult activities, vacation bible schools, and other activities.

Mark & Rebecca Bueckert from our congregation are serving with Village Missions in Ryley, AB.

Voice of Hope  (Friedensstimme)


Our focus is going to the places of greatest need, and doing whatever it takes, however long it takes, for the local believers to stand on their own feet, and take on the task of evangelizing their own people, and beyond, without outside help.

Warman Mennonite Special Care Home

The Warman Mennonite Altenheim officially opened as a seniors home October 30, 1968. Both the Bergthaler Church and the Old Colony Church worked together under the direction of its co-founders, Bishop A.J. Buhler and Bishop H.D.W. Friesen.

In 1986, with a strong need for more care required by residents, the facility became a Special Care Home, providing nursing and support services. In the summer of 2002, the first enriched housing wing was opened, known as The Haven. Residents who live there have all of their meals provided, some basic laundry and housekeeping services.

The home is affiliated with the Saskatoon Health Region, but is a not for profit organization; they are listed as a registered charity.

The vision for the WMSCH continues to grow with future plans of development for a much needed area of service.

Well of Plenty

We are people with business experience in agriculture and technology sharing our skills with a generation of entrepreneurs in the developing words so that they know they are loved.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Wycliffe partners with churches and mission agencies in other countries to present the task of Bible translation. Whenever possible, mother-tongue translators are encouraged to take the lead. Wycliffe members assist indigenous communities in a variety of linguistic-related tasks such as:

  •  devising an alphabet
  •  analyzing the grammar and sound patterns
  • producing print or audio materials

Each year, an increasingly large number of groups of indigenous people are hearing God’s Word in their own language through the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators and its partner organizations. Today, translation is in progress in about 2,000 languages. But 340 million people, speaking nearly 2,100 languages, may still have need for Bible translation.